You are invited to Tantra Con 2018
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to a gathering of 108 Tantrikas *
The purpose of this gathering is to bring together the many teachers and students who are Living Tantra in my lineage from Swami Rama and his teachers, to me, Swami Ravi (Rudolph Ballentine) and my students. From September 12 to September 16, 2018, Easton Mountain Retreat Center is hosting us to:
*108 is the number of beads in a mala
I have invited students, teachers, and colleagues to join us: specifically people from the two Tantra Teacher Training groups, the advanced men’s Tantra, and many participants from gatherings in the Carolinas, New York and Earthaven.
The gathering will offer forums, discussions, experiential sessions, presentations, ritual, art, meditation and movement, locally sourced food, glorious scenery and play. Just to tantalize you, some proposed topics are:
- The inner marriage as it informs our intimate relationships
- The Roots of Tantra: the archeology of our past
- Power and Violence: distinguishing those within and without
- Shamanism and Tantra
- Applying the Tantric Principles to therapy: a case study
- Wonder Body: Tantra alive through art
- The Mahavidyas: accessed through art, meditation and self-reflection
- Creating Alchemical containers for erotic work
It is my hope that we will come together activating all permutations of consciousness to arrive at new understandings through the integral, all in the service of propelling our lineage of Tantra forward as a force for transformation in a world so desperately seeking it.
Come join me in this sacred experiment.
- Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati (Rudolph Ballentine)